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You may have had a few sleepless nights and are now looking for a way to get a good, solid rest. Then, one way or another you come across CBD, read about what it does and ask, ill CBD help me sleep?’

CBD, or cannabidiol can be a great way to ease pain and anxiety, both of which can hinder your ability to sleep soundly at night. Since it’s natural, cbd users do not usually experience side effects and can enjoy a good night’s rest.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, comes from the cannabis plant and is different from THC. They are similar in a way that they’re both psychoactive; however, that’s when the similarities end.

Unlike THC, CBD is non-impairing and can be used to treat a variety of conditions, specifically pain, anxiety and seizures. Just recently, studies show that CBD products can be used as a sleep aid due to its characteristics.

CBD tends to produce a soothing and calming effect, which can work wonders at the end of the day. All that stress and aches and pains come in full force, and you could be under pressure and worried about the next day’s activities, e.g. deadlines, anxiety for the future and whatnot. All these things could be contributing factors and keep you up at night.

Aside from its calming effect, cannabidiol is proven to work against inflammation and pain, two major factors that combat a good night’s sleep. Not only can it help you fall asleep faster, but cbd can also give you a deeper slumber and higher sleep quality.

Choose Only Top Quality CBD

Not all CBD products can help you sleep. You’ll have to consider the quality, purity and type of cbd you need.

It should go without saying that there should be zero THC content in your CBD oil, or else you’ll experience the opposite effect. THC is a psychoactive compound that promotes wakefulness, so you won’t need it if you’re trying to get better sleep.

Choose only products that have pure and quality cbd concentrations. It’s definitely a plus if the products do not have any artificial ingredients or fillers. Broad and full spectrum types are great as they can make you feel the effects sooner, and the many components can give you a multi-boost to your health.

Several studies have found CBD to interact with brain GABA and serotonin receptors. Serotonin is mainly responsible for managing anxiety and mood, while GABA is known as the nhibitory’ neurotransmitter, which means it shuts off excess brain activity and promotes relaxation.

What’s great about CBD is that it’s different from OTC sleep aid medication in that it’s very safe. Most CBDs are made from hemp, which is a natural product of nature. Dosing is important, but when you follow the instructions there’s nothing to worry about. It’s worthy to note that cbd deals directly with the cause of why you’re suffering from sleep disorders by making you feel less anxious, while melatonin supplements make you sleepy by raising melatonin levels.

CBD as a Sleep Aid

Research suggests that cbd can help with various sleep disorders, including excessive daytime sleepiness disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder and insomnia by reducing anxiety and chronic pain. For this reason it’s largely believed that cannabidiol can be used as a natural sleep aid.

It’s recommended to take cbd 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime. To maximize the effects, hold the liquid in your mouth and tongue for a minute or two until it gets absorbed in the soft tissue. Also, make sure to try the general recommended dosage, which is about 10mg of CBD for adults, and see how it affects you. You can up the dose slowly until you reach the results you want, e.g. less anxiety and better sleep.

You’ll want your CBD product to come from reputable and natural sources. Try our cbd products at medicbdoil.com and you won’t have to worry about purity or quality. You can choose among the many cbd options in our store, or ask for help from our cbd experts to find what you’re looking for.

CBD is a safe and natural way to get some quality sleep, and sooner. Try it today.

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